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Refereed Journal Publications
Refereed Journal Publications (see Google Scholar for most current information)
- L.Tang and C Dames, "Anisotropic thermal conductivity tensor measurements using beam-offset frequency domain thermoreflectance (BO-FDTR) for materials lacking in-plane symmetry," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 164, 120600 (2021).
- Q Zheng, M Hao, R Miao, J Schaadt and C Dames, "Advances in thermal conductivity for energy applications: a review," Progress in Energy 3, 012002 (2021).
- K. Tang, X. Wang, K. Dong, Y. Li, J. Li, B. Sun, X. Zhang, C. Dames, C. Qiu, J. Yao, and J. Wu, "A Thermal Radiation Modulation Platform by Emissivity Engineering with Graded Metal–Insulator Transition," Advanced Materials 32, 1907071 (2020).
- A.D. Pickel and C. Dames, "Size and shape effects on the measured peak temperatures of nanoscale hotspots," Journal of Applied Physics 128, 045103 (2020).
- V. Mishra, J.E. Garay, and C. Dames, "Leveraging Anisotropy for Coupled Optimization of Thermal Transport and Light Transmission in Micro‐Structured Materials for High‐Power Laser Applications," Advanced Theory and Simulations 3, 2000036 (2020).
- C. Liu, W. Si, C. Wu, J. Yang, Y. Chen, and C. Dames, "The ignored effects of vibrational entropy and electrocaloric effect in PbTiO3 and PbZr0.5Ti0.5O3 as studied through first-principles calculation," Acta Materialia 191, 221-229 (2020).
- Q. Zheng, S. Kaur, C. Dames, and R.S. Prasher, "Analysis and improvement of the hot disk transient plane source method for low thermal conductivity materials," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 151, 119331 (2020).
- P. Yuan, J.Y. Wu, D.F. Ogletree, J.J. Urban, C. Dames, and Y. Ma, "Adapting the Electron Beam from SEM as a Quantitative Heating Source for Nanoscale Thermal Metrology," Nano Letters 20, 3019-3029 (2020).
- W. Hodges and C. Dames, "A multi-frequency 3ω method for tracking moving phase boundaries," Review of Scientific Instruments 90, 094903 (2019).
- G. Velarde, S. Pandya, L. Zhang, D. Garcia, E. Lupi, R. Gao, J.D. Wilbur, C. Dames, and L.W. Martin, "Quantifying Intrinsic, Extrinsic, Dielectric, and Secondary Pyroelectric Responses in PbZr1–xTixO3 Thin Films," ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 11, 35146-35154 (2019).
- O. Kwon, G. Wehmeyer, and C. Dames, "Modified ballistic–diffusive equations for obtaining phonon mean free path spectrum from ballistic thermal resistance: II. Derivation of Integral Equation Based on Ballistic Thermal Resistance," Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering (2019).
- O. Kwon, G. Wehmeyer, and C. Dames, "Modified ballistic–diffusive equations for obtaining phonon mean free path spectrum from ballistic thermal resistance: I. Introduction and validation of the equations," Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering 3, 259-273 (2019).
- H.S. Choe, R. Prabhakar, G. Wehmeyer, F.I. Allen, W. Lee, L. Jin, Y. Li, P. Yang, C. Qiu, C. Dames, M. Scott, A. Minor, J. Bahk, and J. Wu, "Ion Write Microthermotics: Programming Thermal Metamaterials at the Microscale," Nano Letters 19, 3830-3837 (2019).
- C. Liu, Y. Chen, and C. Dames, "Electric-Field-Controlled Thermal Switch in Ferroelectric Materials Using First-Principles Calculations and Domain-Wall Engineering," Physical Review Applied 11, 044002 (2019).
- X. Xu, Q. Zhang, M. Hao, Y. Hu, Z. Lin, L. Peng, T. Wang, X. Ren, C. Wang, Z. Zhao, C. Wan, H. Fei, L. Wang, J. Zhu, H. Sun, W. Chen, T. Du, B. Deng, G.J. Cheng, I. Shakir, C. Dames, T.S. Fisher, X. Zhang, H. Li, Y. Huang, and X. Duan, "Dougle-negative-index ceramic aerogels for thermal superinsulation," Science 363, 723-727 (2019).
- S. Pandya, G.A. Velarde, R. Gao, A.S. Everhardt, J.D. Wilbur, R. Xu, J.T. Maher, J.C. Agar, C. Dames, and L.W. Martin, "Understanding the Role of Ferroelastic Domains on the Pyroelectric and Electrocaloric Effects in Ferroelectric Thin Films," Advanced Materials 31, 1803312 (2019).
- G. Wehmeyer, K.C. Bustillo, A.M. Minor, and C. Dames, "Measuring temperature-dependent thermal diffuse scattering using scanning transmission electron microscopy," Applied Physics Letters 113, 253101 (2018).
- A.D. Pickel, A. Teitelboim, E.M. Chan, N.J. Borys, P.J. Schuck, and C. Dames, "Apparent self-heating of individual upconverting nanoparticle thermometers," Nature Communications 9, 4907 (2018).
- M.I. Khan, S.D. Lubner, D.F. Ogletree, and C. Dames, "Temperature dependence of secondary electron emission: A new route to nanoscale temperature measurement using scanning electron microscopy," Journal of Applied Physics 124, 195104 (2018).
- M. Hao, J. Li, S. Park, S. Moura, and C. Dames, "Efficient thermal management of Li-ion batteries with a passive interfacial thermal regulator based on a shape memory alloy," Nature Energy 3, 899-906 (2018).
C. Liu, V. Mishra, Y. Chen, and C. Dames, "Large Thermal Conductivity Switch Ratio in Barium Titanate Under Electric Field through First‐Principles Calculation," Advanced Theory and Simulations, 1800098 (2018).
G. Wehmeyer, A.D. Pickel, and C. Dames, "Onsager reciprocity relation for ballistic phonon heat transport in anisotropic thin films of arbitrary orientation," Physical Review B 98, 014304 (2018).
S. Pandya, J. Wilbur, J. Kim, R. Gao, A. Dasgupta, C. Dames, and L.W. Martin, "Pyroelectric energy conversion with large energy and power density in relaxor ferroelectric thin films," Nature Materials 17, 432-438 (2018).
T. Li, A.D. Pickel, Y. Yao, Y. Chen, Y. Zeng, S.D. Lacey, Y. Li, Y. Wang, J. Dai, Y. Wang, B. Yang, M.S. Fuhrer, A. Marconnet, C. Dames, D.H. Drew, and L. Hu, "Thermoelectric properties and performance of flexible reduced graphene oxide films up to 3000 K," Nature Energy 3, 148-156 (2018).
G. Wehmeyer, T. Yabuki, C. Monachon, J. Wu, and C. Dames, "Thermal diodes, regulators, and switches: Physical mechanisms and potential applications," Applied Physics Reviews 4, 041304 (2017).
S. Pandya, J.D. Wilbur, B. Bhatia, A. Damodaran, C. Monachon, A. Dasgupta, W.P. King, C. Dames, and L.W. Martin, "Direct Measurement of Pyroelectric and Electrocaloric Effects in Thin Films," Physical Review Applied 7, 034025 (2017).
S. Lee, K. Hippalgaonakar, F. Yang, J. Hong, C. Ko, J. Suh, K. Liu, K. Wang, J.J. Urban, X. Zhang, C. Dames, S.A. Hartnoll, O. Delaire, and J. Wu, "Anomalously low electronic thermal conductivity in metallic vanadium dioxide," Science 355, 371-374 (2017).
- J. Lee, W. Lee, G. Wehmeyer, S. Dhuey, D.L. Olynick, S. Cabrini, C. Dames, J.J. Urban, and P. Yang, "Investigation of phonon coherence and backscattering using silicon nanomeshes," Nature Communications 8, 14054 (2017).
- Z. Wei, G. Wehmeyer, C. Dames, and Y. Chen, "Geometric tuning of thermal conductivity in three-dimensional anisotropic phononic crystals," Nanoscale 8, 16612-16620 (2016).
- C. Monachon, L. Weber, and C. Dames, "Thermal Boundary Conductance: A Materials Science Perspective," Annual Review of Materials Research 46, 433-463 (2016).
- J. D. Kilbane, E.M. Chan, C. Monachon, N.J. Borys, E.S. Levy, A.D. Pickel, J.J. Urban, P.J. Schuck, and C. Dames, "Far-field optical nanothermometry using individual sub-50 nm upconverting nanoparticles," Nanoscale 8(22), 11611-11616 (2016).
- W. Bao, A. D. Pickel, Q. Zhang, Y. Chen, Y. Yao, J. Wan, K. Fu, Y. Wang, J. Dai, H. Zhu, D. Drew, M. Fuhrer, C. Dames, and L. Hu, "Flexible, High Temperature, Planar Lighting with Large Scale Printable Nanocarbon Paper," Advanced Materials 28, 4684 (2016).
- H. Natesan, W. Hodges, C. Jeunghwan, S. D. Lubner, C. Dames and J. Bischof, "A Micro-Thermal Sensor for Focal Therapy Applications," Scientific Reports 6, 21395 (2016).
- C. Dames, "Cost optimization of thermoelectric materials for power generation: The case for ZT at (almost) any cost," Scripta Materialia 111, 16 (2016).
- Z. Chen and C. Dames, "An anisotropic model for the minimum thermal conductivity," Applied Physics Letters 107, 193104 (2015).
- V. Mishra, C. L. Hardin, J. E. Garay, and C. Dames, "A 3 Omega Method to Measure an Arbitrary Anisotropic Thermal Conductivity Tensor," Review of Scientific Instruments 86, 054902 (2015).
- T. Hori, J. Shiomi, and C. Dames, "Effective phonon mean free path in polycrystalline nanostructures," Applied Physics Letters 106, 171901 (2015).
- F. Yang and C. Dames, "Heating frequency dependent thermal conductivity: an analytical solution from diffusive to ballistic regime and its relevance to phonon scattering measurements," Physical Review B 91, 165311 (2015).
- J. Suh, K. M. Yu, D. Fu, X. Liu, F. Yang, J. Fan, D. J. Smith, Y. H. Zhang, J. K. Furdyna, C. Dames, W. Walukiewicz, and J. Wu, "Simultaneous Enhancement of Electrical Conductivity and Thermopower of Bi2Te3 by Multi-Functionality of Native Defects," Advanced Materials 27, 3681 (2015).
- L. Shi, C. Dames, J. R. Lukes, P. Reddy, J. C. Duda, D. Cahill, J. Lee, A. Marconnet, K. Goodson, J. H. Bahk, A. Shakouri, R. Prasher, J. Felts, W. P. King, B. Han, and J. C. Bischof, "Evaluating Broader Impacts Of Nanoscale Thermal Transport Research". Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering 19 127 (2015).
- A. T. Wieg, Y. Kodera, Z. Wang, C. Dames, and J. E. Garay, "Thermomechanical properties of rare earth doped AlN for laser gain media: The role of grain boundaries and grain size," Acta Materialia 86, 148 (2015).
- S. D. Lubner, J. Choi, G. Wehmeyer, B. Waag, V. Mishra, H. Natesan, J. C. Bischof, and C. Dames, "Reusable Bi-Directional 3ω Sensor to Measure Thermal Conductivity of 100-μm Thick Biological Tissues," Review of Scientific Instruments 86, 014905 (2015).
- Z. Chen, C. Wong, S. D. Lubner, S. Yee, J. Miller, W. Jang, C. Hardin, A. Fong, J. Garay, and C. Dames, "A Photon Thermal Diode," Nature Communications 5, 5446 (2014). Note: This paper has been retracted due to a fundamental error in the configuration of several key experiments, which invalidated two of the three main claims of the paper. More Information.
- H. Guo, M. I. Khan, C. Cheng, W. Fan, C. Dames, J. Wu and A. M. Minor, "VO2 Nanowire-Based Microthermometer for Quantitative Evaluation of Electron Beam Heating," Nature Communications 5, 4986 (2014).
- S. LeBlanc*, S. Yee*, M. Scullin, C. Dames, and K. E. Goodson, "Material and Manufacturing Cost Considerations for Thermoelectrics," Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 32, 313 (2014).
- W. Jang, W. Bao, L. Jing, C. N. Lau, and C. Dames, "Thermal Conductivity of Suspended Few-layer Graphene by a Modified T Bridge Method," Applied Physics Letters 103, 133102 (2013).
- J. P. Angle, Z. Wang, C. Dames, and M. L. Mecartney, "Comparison of two-phase thermal conductivity models with experiments on dilute ceramic composites," Journal of the American Ceramic Society 96, 2935 (2013).
- S. K. Yee, S. LeBlanc, K. E. Goodson, and C. Dames, "“$ per Watt Metrics for Thermoelectric Power Generation: beyond ZT," Energy & Environmental Science 6, 2561 (2013).
- Z. Chen, Z. Wei, Y. Chen, and C. Dames, "Anisotropic Debye model for the thermal boundary conductance," Physical Review B 87, 125426 (2013).
- F. Yang and C. Dames, "Mean free path spectra as a tool to understand thermal conductivity in bulk and nanostructures," Physical Review B 87, 035437 (2013).
- Z. Wei, Y. Chen, and C. Dames, "Negative correlation between in-plane bonding strength and cross-plane thermal conductivity in a model layered material," Applied Physics Letters 102, 011901 (2013).
- W. Bao, K. Myhro, Z. Zhao, Z. Chen, W. Jang, L. Jing, F. Miao, H. Zhang, C. Dames, and C. N. Lau, "In Situ Observation of Electrostatic and Thermal Manipulation of Suspended Graphene Membranes,” Nano Letters 12, 5470 (2012).
- A. T. Wieg, Y. Kodera, Z. Wang, T. Imai, C. Dames, and J. E. Garay, "Visible photoluminescence in polycrystalline terbium doped aluminum nitride (Tb:AlN) ceramics with high thermal conductivity," Applied Physics Letters 101, 111903 (2012).
- Z. Wei, Y. Chen, and C. Dames, "Wave packet simulations of phonon boundary scattering at graphene edges," Journal of Applied Physics 112, 024328 (2012).
- E. S. Toberer, L. L. Baranowski, and C. Dames, "Advances in thermal conductivity," Annual Review of Materials Research 42, 179 (2012).
- Z. Wang, J. E. Alaniz, W. Jang, J. E. Garay, and C. Dames, "Thermal Conductivity of Nanocrystalline Silicon: Importance of Grain Size and Frequency-Dependent Mean Free Paths," Nano Letters 11, 2206 (2011).
- W. Jang, Z. Chen, W. Bao, C. N. Lau, and C. Dames, "Thickness-Dependent Thermal Conductivity of Encased Graphene and Ultrathin Graphite," Nano Letters 10, 3909 (2010).
Erratum: There is a typographical error in Eq. (1) of the published version.
- F. Yang, T. Ikeda, G. J. Snyder, and C. Dames, "Effective thermal conductivity of polycrystalline materials with randomly oriented superlattice grains," Journal of Applied Physics 108, 034310 (2010).
- Z. Chen, W. Jang, W. Bao, C. N. Lau, and C. Dames, "Thermal contact resistance between graphene and silicon dioxide," Applied Physics Letters 95, 161910 (2009).
- C. C. Chen, W. Bao, J. Theiss, C. Dames, C. N. Lau, and S. Cronin, "Raman Spectroscopy of Ripple Formation in Suspended Graphene," Nano Letters 9, 4172 (2009).
- W. Bao, F. Miao, Z. Chen, H. Zhang, W. Jang, C. Dames, and C. N. Lau, "Controlled ripple texturing of suspended graphene and ultrathin graphite membranes," Nature Nanotechnology 4, 562 - 566 (2009).
- C. Dames, "Solid-state thermal rectification with existing bulk materials," ASME Journal of Heat Transfer 131, 061301 (2009).
- C. Dames, S. Chen, C. T. Harris, J. Y. Huang, Z. F. Ren, M. S. Dresselhaus, G. Chen, "A hot wire probe for thermal measurements of nanowires and nanotubes inside a transmission electron microscope," Review of Scientific Instruments 78, 10493 (2007).
- B. Cord, C. Dames, K. Berggren, and J. Aumentado, "Robust shadow-mask evaporation via lithographically-controlled undercut," J. Vac. Sci. Tech. B 24, 3139 (2006).
- C. Dames and G. Chen, "1, 2, and 3 omega methods for measurement of thermal properties," Rev. Sci. Instrum. 76, 124902 (2005).
- B. Poudel, W. Wang, C. Dames, J. Huang, S. Kunwar, D. Wang, D. Banerjee, G. Chen and Z. Ren, "Formation of crystallized titania nanotubes and their transformation into nanowires," Nanotechnology 16, 1935 (2005).
- C. Dames, G. Chen, B. Poudel, W. Wang, J. Huang, Z. Ren, Y. Sun, J. I. Oh, C. Opeil, S.J., and M. J. Naughton, "Low dimensional phonon heat capacity of titanium dioxide nanotubes," Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 031901 (2005).
- G. Chen, A. Narayanaswamy, and C. Dames, "Engineering nanoscale phonon and photon transport for direct energy conversion," Superlatt. Microstruct. 35, 161 (2004).
- C. Dames and G. Chen, "Theoretical phonon thermal conductivity of Si-Ge superlattice nanowires," J. Appl. Phys. 95, 682 (2004).
Book and Book Chapters
- Z. Chen and C. Dames, "Applied Thermal Measurements at the Nanoscale: A Beginner's Guide to Electrothermal Methods," Lessons from Nanoscience: A Lecture Notes Series: Volume 7 (2018).
- H. Natesan, J. Choi, S. Lubner, C. Dames, and J. Bischof, "Multi-scale Thermal Conductivity Measurements for Cryobiological Applications," in Multiscale Technologies for Cryomedicine: Implementation from Nano to Macroscale, Chapter 5, 125-171 (2016).
- C. Dames, "Measuring the Thermal Conductivity of Thin Films: 3 Omega and Related Electrothermal Methods," chapter in the Annual Review of Heat Transfer (2013).
- C. Dames, “Microscale Conduction,” in the textbook Heat Conduction, 3rd edition, lead author Latif Jiji, Springer, (2009).
- C. Dames, ''Resistance Temperature Detectors,'' Encyclopedia of Micro- and Nanofluidics, Springer-Verlag, D. Li (Ed.), (2008).
- C. Dames, G. Chen, ''Thermal conductivity of nanostructured thermoelectric materials,'' Thermoelectrics Handbook: Macro to Nano, Chapter 42, CRC Press, ed. D. Rowe, (2005).
Commentaries and Perspectives
- S. Pandya, G. Velarde, L. Zhang, J.D. Wilbur, A. Smith, B. Hanrahan, C. Dames, and L.W. Martin, "New approach to waste-heat energy harvesting: pyroelectric energy conversion," Perspective in NPG Asia Materials 11, 26 (2019).
- C. Dames, "Ultrahigh thermal conductivity confirmed in boron arsenide," Perspective in Science 361, 549-550 (2018).
- C. Dames, "Pulling together to control heat flow," News & Views article in Nature Nanotechnology 7, 82 (2012).
- C. Dames and G. Chen, “Special issue on Energy Nanotechnology,” Guest Editors, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer 130, 040301 (2008).